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A selection of works and sketches made with Processing and Cinder.

Some of them have HD versions on the Vimeo website.

On the Bus.

Busride (test).

Short test - fingertips.

Very short, probably a bit creepy too. A test of software I'm writing, involving the warping of space and time in movies.

Growth II - Highlife.

Further experiments with the Growth II simulation.

I've updated the code a bit, it now has fragment shaders and an underlying layer of cellular automata. In this case, the HighLife ruleset was used. The speed of the cellular automata is probably set a bit too high - it feels quite neurotic like this.

Growth II - Maze.

In this case, the Maze ruleset was used.

Growth II.

Ported from Processing to Cinder, with tweaks and improvements along the way.

Just fiddling with the with the values in the underlying rules of the simulation. Small changes have big consequences (just like in real universes).

Cinder Library

Growth I.

Using the evolutionary algorithm (variation, heredity, selection) to determine the colors of a system of drifting, growing dots.

Made with Processing

Sierpinski grids.

See the previous work (well... more of a sketch really) for a technical explanation of what's going on.

This is a followup to that work. Actually, it's again more of a sketch. Part of a number of different arrangements of strings to create patterns.

If within the system one draws a grid of horizontal open strings where the information flows from left to right, with vertical ones where there flows from top to bottom crossing the horizontal lines, you apparently get something not dissimilar from a Sierpinski triangle.

When the grid has reached equilibrium I reset the color of the outer two strings manually at different times to white, black or combinations of both, to see how the information propagates.

Note btw, each bigger triangle is twice the size of the previous one, plus one extra step. In other words: the triangles are of size 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, etc.

I'm sure it all makes perfect sense. I just haven't figured quite out why yet.


Proof of concept. Made with Processing.

Four closed loops, one open string from the center of them. On these strings information is stored: white or black. When the information crosses other information, they interact and change color. Depending on the rules underlying these interactions, and the arrangements of the strings, patterns emerge.

When the string crosses the first loop from the inside, it will always be white. The string and the first loop change color, and when it loops back into itself it changes again: from white to black to white again.

The second loop is crossed by a string that periodically changes colors, but that period doesn't sync up to it's own period. Therefore, the pattern increases in complexity. In some ways, it's similar to the superposition of two waves forming a beat. As the loop feeds back into itself, the beat "echoes", changing the pattern every full cycle of the second loop. If one would wait for long enough (longer than this animation) the "echoes" would cancel each other out and there would be a moment where the two innermost loops would be enterely black. And if you waited equally long after that, they both would be white again.

The third and fourth loops increase complexity of the pattern yet again (if any pattern is left). Maybe, if the animation would run for long enough, there would be a moment where all four loops are black (and then after wainting the same amount of time white again), but I don't know that for certain. It would take an awful long time though.

No, I haven't read GEB or I Am A Strange Loop yet. This work was actually inspired by Jeff Hawkin's talk on brains at TED.

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